23 Times The Undertaker's Ego Ran Wild In WWE

1. Only Willing To Lose The Streak To A Legitimate Fighter

The Undertaker's streak storyline was one of the greatest narratives in WWE history. An opponent proving victorious over it would have meant more than any title win. Yet when The Undertaker jobbed the 21 year run out in 2014, he didn't do so to an upcoming star. Instead he stared at the lights for Brock Lesnar, an already made man who didn't really need the accomplishment to be considered a badass. It looked more like that Taker had opted to lose to Brock because it meant that he'd only have been defeated by a legitimate tough guy. He could have jobbed it to CM Punk a year earlier, or made a new star out of it like Bray Wyatt a year later. But instead he gave it up to Brock, because lets face it Punk and Wyatt are smaller dudes who aren't actually that physically powerful. If there's one concurrent theme on this list, it is The Undertaker's inferiority complex. So much of his ego and backstage politics have been driven by his desire to be perceived a certain way. He's a legend, no doubt, but he's also been right up there with Hogan, Hunter and Shawn when it comes to manipulation.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.