23 WTF Moments From Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Bret Hart At WrestleMania 13

11. Austin Gets Technical

Austin begins to tear pages out of Bret's book, nailing the Hitman with several of his own moves. This flies directly over Vince's head. He misses the second-rope elbow drop, he misses the crucifix submission manoeuvre, and he only half-cottons on to the Russian legsweep - "almost a Bret Hart-style Russian legsweep" he says, with the barest hint of suspicion. This sequence really shows off what a good technician Austin is capable of being, even if he ditched most of this during his brawl-heavy babyface run. He even busts out a nice Boston crab, but Bret just about makes the ropes.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.