23 WTF Moments From WWE NXT TakeOver: Dallas
Did Finn Balor really s*it himself?

Vince McMahon: "Dammit, how good is it to have WrestleMania's card finally ready. Those injuries were a bugger to deal with, weren't they?"
WWE's fabled creative teams: "Yeah Vince, NXT TakeOver:Dallas is going to steal our thunder. There's nothing we can do, oh my God, what are we going to do about NXT?"
Vince McMahon: "I guess Shane is going to have to dive off the roof of the arena then..."
Having NXT a couple of short nights before WrestleMania is going to heap the pressure on the big event. Let's just hope Vince McMahon realises that. Obviously, NXT can't compare to Mania in terms of star power, but they'll certainly run the Grandest Stage Of Them All for the level of action from first bell to last.
The main attraction of the night is undoubtedly the debut of former New Japan Superstar Shinsuke Nakamura. The King of Strong Style was surely due a debut win over Sami Zayn, who appears to be on his way out of developmental after securing his promotion to the main roster in recent weeks.
Whatever the weather, we'd be sure to see a wrestling clinic featuring two of the best workers in the world today.
As well as the rest of the card which would undeniably knock our socks off, there were those moments that left us screaming WTF!
Here's 23 of them...