24 Mind-Blowing Facts About WWE Raw

24. The First Ever WWE TV Show To Be Broadcast Live

The most appropriate fact to start with is Raw's very beginning. It was a big risk for the WWF, as it was essentially giving away for free what had previously been paid for. Basically, most WWE TV matches before 1993 were established stars over unknown jobbers. Now it was going to be established stars versus established stars, as demonstrated by Yokozuna and Koko B Ware wrestling on the first ever episode on January 11, 1993. This was risky. Why pay for content like that on PPV if you can see it on Raw? The logic was that the weekly TV attraction would only make PPV shows more desirable. The even bigger risk was that Raw was the first ever time WWE went live on free television. "I guess maybe I did have some concern about being live," Vince McMahon admitted in WWE 50.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.