25 Bizarre WWE Christmas Moments

2. A Bobby Heenan Christmas

Part of Bobby Heenan's charm is how happy he was to be a heel. He wasn't just selfish or dishonest, he was also really delighted to be so. He truly loved being a terrible person, which made us love him all the more. Case in point: the times he gleefully revealed to millions of kids that Santa Claus wasn't real.

To accomplish this, Bobby showed up to the set of Primetime Wrestling in full Santa regalia. He then cackled his way through the revelation that Santa was a lie to the fury of Rowdy Roddy Piper. As you might recall from the Hornswoggle segment, Piper takes Santa super seriously, and the resulting physical violence is pretty satisfying.

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.