25 Greatest "Martial Arts" Wrestlers Ever

20. Super Giant Ninja

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GFoVT0tko4 Style: Super Giant Ninjutsu Super Giant Ninja is the proud origin of wrestling's most bizarre origin story. That may sound like a bold statement, but hear me out. In 1995, Kevin Sullivan and his Dungeon of Doom were locked in a fierce struggle against the forces of Hulkamania. Hogan had already used his deadly butterfly punches to dispatch the Taskmaster's most dangerous fat guys, so Sullivan's flour-caked Master sent a team of Sherpas to carve out a block of ice from the peak of Mt. Everest, containing the remains of the fearsome Yeti. The Yeti was actually a mummy bent of subduing Hulk Hogan with his patented hinder grinder, but the next chapter of the story is where things get truly strange. You see, Yeti came back, only not as a mummy, and certainly not as a snowperson. He was, out of nowhere, a canary yellow Halloween Express ninja. In his next appearance, he was officially rechristened Super Giant Ninja. Unfortunately, ninjutsu tradition says very little about hand-to-hand combat with morbidly obese street ruffians, and SGN's highest-profile match was a loss to One Man Gang.
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.