25 Greatest WWE Raw Moments Ever
6. JERICHO (August 9th, 1999)
Chris Jericho took several months to win over Vince McMahon (and his peers) upon arriving from WCW in 1999, but he couldn't have asked for debut more suited to the bombastic bigmouth he'd become as soon as his confidence returned.
Paying off a 'Countdown To The Millennium' tease as an industry worst kept secret, the response from a vibrant Chicago crowd to the reveal of his name on the TitanTron could still extract goosebumps from a mannequin today. Part relief for his Atlanta escape and celebration of his overdue arrival, the 'Ayatollah' was made an 'A*saholla' by The Rock pretty sharpish, but even his cartoonish gurning at 'The Great One's usual beats couldn't undermine a breathtaking bow.