25 Most Important WWE Stars Of The 21st Century So Far

2. Triple H

He would make most lists when it comes to ranking the importance of a star to the WWE, and Triple H's impact on the company will be felt for years to come, which is way he has to be so close to the top spot. Currently fronting up The Authority alongside Stephanie McMahon - as well as reforming Evolution - Triple H is a guy who has seen and done it all when it comes to professional wrestling. Perhaps the biggest thing that makes him so important to the WWE is his role as co-leader of D-Generation X. That stable has made the company an absolute fortune over the years, and the merchandising sales alone are through the roof. He's won multiple championships across a period of years, and is one of the most influential men in the history of the company. It would have been simply impossible to leave Triple H off a list of this type. Involved in so many important storylines over the first part of the 21st century - and so many groundbreaking moments - Triple H is edged out of top spot by just one man.
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Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.