25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (29th Nov)

Let's all be most thankful for New Day...

Social Media and athletes usually go together as well as politicians and hidden cameras: you know given a little time someone is going to say something that's going to make them unpopular or worse get them fired. But in amongst the idiots posting swastikas and people pretending to be the Iron Sheikh, WWE's presence on Instagram still proves to be great. In amongst the truly enlightening revelations offered by Xavier Woods on his Snapchat update, the stars' accounts and the official WWE account offer an insight not only behind the scenes of the business, but also into their real lives that gives an entirely different perspective to their characters. One person who will probably never feature in anything like this is John Cena, who seems to have taken past warnings about his posting behaviour as an invitation to just give up entirely and post pictures of puppies cuddling. This is the week in WWE Instagram...

25. The Legit Boss

The sassy Team B.A.D. star took time out from her busy schedule of pretending to squash spiders in the ring to post this glorious backstage shot. Classy, moodily lit... All very fitting of the Legit Boss. She also throws in some pretty non-Boss-like pics...
In this post: 
Big E
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