25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (April 2nd)

24. Maria Looking Ahead WrestleCon

Instagram Header 2nd April

With the rumours of her impending arrival in WWE becoming more insistent by the day, Maria Kanellis took to Twitter to celebrate her big time physique ahead of her and her husband's appearance at WrestleCon.

She also had a pretty strong message about empowerment and body image:

"This body is strong and beautiful. This body contains my most important things, my brain and my heart. I am proud of this body. This body can run, sing in the shower, kiss my husband, perform, hug my family, read books, DIY, eat pizza, hold hands, and love. This body. This body, has been photographed. This body, is mine."
Maria Kanellis

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.