25 Things You Didn't Know About Vince McMahon
19. He Once Alluded To Allegedly Being Sexually Abused By His Mother

A troubled past begats troubled tales, and during the same 2001 interview in which McMahon explained his difficult childhood, he was also prodded by the Playboy reporter regarding a comment he left hanging. Presented in full is the exchange which appears to suggest at least one very obvious and dark outcome:
"PLAYBOY: Was the abuse all physical, or was there sexual abuse, too?
VINCE MCMAHON: That's not anything I would like to embellish. Just because it was weird.
PLAYBOY: Did it come from the same man?
VINCE MCMAHON: No. It wasn't...it wasn't from the male.
PLAYBOY: That's so mysterious. It sounds like a difficult thing for a kid to deal with...We can leave that topic, but one thing first. You have said that the sexual abuse in your childhood "wasn't from the male." It's well known that you're estranged from your mother. Have we found the reason?
MCMAHON: Without saying that, I'd say that's pretty close."