25 WTF Moments From WWE WrestleMania 31

22. Almost The Entire Show Taking Place In Broad Daylight

WWE learned a lesson with this year's WrestleMania: don't host an open-air event on the West Coast in the middle of the afternoon. WrestleMania kicked off at 4pm local time, and like most WrestleManias, was bright and sunny during the opening bouts, but the problem is that this carried through to almost the whole remainder of the event as well. For starters, some poor fans sitting in the front row had to watch most of the show through sunglasses and splayed fingers because the sun was shining directly in their eyes (those tickets were money well spent, right?). Also, the video hologram on the side of the apron was rendered mostly invisible for the first hour-plus of the show due to glare from the sun, and finally, seeing epic entrances from the likes of Sting, Triple H and The Undertaker in broad daylight just diminished their impact, especially in the case of Taker. Also, wouldn't Trips' corny Terminator-style entrance (which will be mentioned again momentarily) have looked so much cooler at night with lasers firing around the arena? With WrestleMania being set in Texas next year, with a 6pm start time, things should look much cooler by the end of the first hour.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.