25 WTF Moments From WWE WrestleMania 31

19. Triple H's Awful Terminator Entrance

There had been rumours over the weekend that Triple H might get a special, Terminator-esque entrance to tie in with the fact that the new Terminator Genisys movie was sponsoring the event, and they turned out to be true. The sequence began with stock footage of San Francisco, before it transformed into a post-apocalyptic wasteland and the line "I've been waiting for you" from Terminator Genisys was said by Arnold Schwarzenegger. A number of Terminator endoskeletons then rose out of the floor along with actors dressed up as soldiers appearing, before a giant eye in the stage set began scanning the arena, deeming it an "extremely hostile environment". It then began scanning the roster until it found Sting, at which point Triple H emerged onto the stage in a ridiculous robot-style get-up, complete with a flimsy mask which looked like it was made out of tin foil. As Trips then rose up on a pedestal, the screen cut to a clip of Arnie, who said, "WrestleMania...Judgement Day is here. It's time to play the game." Trips is then handed two bundles of Terminator skulls and finally starts walking to the ring, all while Sting just looks massively confused throughout. It was such a cheesy tie-in with the show's sponsor, and sadly didn't look anywhere near as expensive or cool as the WWE were no doubt hoping. It looked so cheap and tacky.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.