26 WTF Moments From WWE Attitude Era Raw 1998 (Feb 2)
18. Kayfabe Goes Down The Toilet (Or Does It?)
This was a fascinating segment to watch back in 1998, and it holds up extremely well too, because such a fantastic job was done to make it seem like the dumpster stunt wasn't part of the show. Half the roster comes out to the stage to check on Cactus and Charlie, including a tearful Sunny, and even heels seemed genuinely disgusted at the Outlaws for their actions. JR then says that "Nothing like this was planned", and goes on to talk about the push for TV ratings and how the Outlaws were so desperate to "get over" that they did something despicable. As if all that wasn't enough to sell the "realism", Vince McMahon then came out and was shown talking to the Outlaws, who tell him "We didn't mean to hurt anybody". The segment goes on for roughly 15 minutes and is easily one of the best-sold, most authentic segments in Attitude Era (or indeed, WWE) history. Terrific.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.