27 WTF Moments From NJPW New Beginning In Osaka 2016
9. Cody Hall Steals Kyle O'Reilly
With all of the back-and-forth going on between the Young Bucks and Sydal and Ricochet, it's easy to forget that, in fact, there is another team in this match, in Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly aka reDRagon. O'Reilly gets kicked into the ropes, at which point The Young Bucks' enforcer Cody Hall pulls him out of the ring and scoops him up. Hall looks confusedly to the Bucks for some direction, and they simply motion him to remove O'Reilly from the match. Cue Hall running out of the arena with O'Reilly in tow, in easily the funniest moment of the night. The spot was almost ruined by a security guard who closed a gate as Hall was running through, but thankfully Hall was able to just smack the gate open again and continue running uninterrupted. As for the finish of the match? Sydal and Ricochet managed to capture the titles after landing two perfectly synchronised Shooting Star Presses on The Young Bucks. A terrific match and arguably the best of the night.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.