27 WTF Moments From NJPW New Beginning In Osaka 2016
23. Naito Rips The Commentator's Shirt Off
Tencozy defeat Nagata and Nakanishi, after which The Ungovernables take on Juice Robinson, Kushida and Michael Elgin in six-man action. As Tetsuya Naito gets to the ring, he walks over to the commentator's table and begins talking to announcer Shinpei Nogami. The two spoke in Japanese (of course), but according to Twitter translations, Naito was trying to convince Nogami to show his support for his faction, at which point Nogami refused and revealed he was wearing a shirt of Yuji Nagata's Blue Justice Army. Naito then flipped his lid, grabbing Nogami and ripping his Blue Justice shirt off his body. Thankfully his dress shirt was still left in tact, so Nogami didn't have to call the rest of the show with a bare chest.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.