29 WTF Moments From WWE Attitude Era Raw 1998 (Feb 9)

18. The Tag Match That Never Ends...

An unexplained hiccup occurs mid-way through the tag match: we cut to a commercial break...but when we return, the match is over, JR is talking to the camera and then Kane makes his entrance. For a moment you might be mistaken for thinking that Kane was going to interrupt the match, but the ring is clear and no further comment is made about the match. It's telling that the WWE Network version of this episode runs just 87 minutes in length, a few minutes shorter than the norm, and the switch from Raw is War to the War Zone happens at the 37-minute mark. Why the end of the match is cut is anyone's guess: nothing controversial happened that would facilitate the edit. As for what actually happened? Pantera put a foreign object in his mask and knocked out Taka with it for the win. Nothing more to see here, folks, but it's weird all the same...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.