2point0 Get New Ring Names On AEW Dynamite
Jericho Appreciation Society members denounce "stupid idea from bad creative", get new names in AEW.

2point0 were given new ring names on last night's episode of AEW Dynamite, which saw them gather in the ring alongside Jericho Appreciation Society stablemates Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, and Chris Jericho in a pre-advertised segment.
Tying the group's origin story together following last week's formation, the angle saw each JAS member talked up by Jericho. For 2point0, this meant 'Big Magic' Matt Lee becoming 'Daddy Magic' Matt Minard and Jeff Parker being rechristened 'Cool Hang Ang' Angelo Parker
Jericho called their previous names "stupid ideas from bad creative." This is a call-back to The Inner Circle's first big promo in 2019, when the audience chanted "We the people" at Jake Hager, the former Jack Swagger, referencing the big man's time in WWE.
Minard and Parker worked as Ever-Rise in WWE between 2019 and 2021. Individually, they were known as Matt Martel and Chase Parker.
The Jericho Appreciation segment saw Hager seemingly gain a new nickname as 'The Hand of the King.' Daniel Garcia's monickers, meanwhile, appear to be in-tact, with Jericho referencing his long-stand 'Red Death' nickname. Like the rest of the group, Garcia embraced his new identity as a "sports entertainer" on Dynamite.