3 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 18)
3. Power Madness

WWE's heel authority figures love a good bit of sh*thousery.
They always have, and that's why Sonya Deville taking Ronda Rousey's "one hand behind my back" line from last week gets an 'Up'. Yours truly isn't exactly happy that this tag match at the Chamber is even happening in the first place, but at least they've tried to add a wrinkle to it that'll keep things interesting.
There was never any need to unleash Ronda full pelt before she tears into Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 38 anyway. Now, thanks to this last-minute stip, she'll be handicapped on Saturday's show, and that could leave Naomi ripe for the pickings against the heels.
SmackDown's opening contract signing skit didn't reinvent the wheel by any means, but everybody spoke well (including Rousey, who is notoriously shaky on the mic at times) and got their relevant points across. Plus, it actually had a purpose, which isn't the case for 99% of these things nowadays.