3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE Hall Of Fame 2019
Oversaturation and an unwelcome intruder.

Although WWE's Hall of Fame has never been the most legitimate pro-wrestling club, as early editions which necessarily included guys not too old to be irrelevant (or dead) and not too young to be working in WCW proved, it has nevertheless been diminishing in prestige with each passing year.
Above the complete boredom, it's been possible to hear the distinct sound of the barrel being scraped at the past few shows. It was crystal clear in Brooklyn, as three sets of inductees were pointlessly put into the Hall for a second time, and a woman who openly admitted she could not wrestle was inexplicably honoured as a trailblazer for the division.
Oh. And we also got to see Hulk Hogan again. Goody.
Thankfully, Hogan's horrible cameo was made completely redundant by an unsavoury incident which occurred during the prior induction. Unfortunately, it pretty much derailed the whole show.
And will be all anyone is talking about after the event. At least it might make a star out of Dash Wilder at long last, thanks to his furious fist of justice.