3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE NXT UK (26 March)
Dragunov finds his fury, Primate gains a new partner, and a new Dawn begins for Isla.

NXT UK simply isn't one of WWE's prioritised projects. It's become quite clear with each passing week, because while you may get one or two decent matches, the overall quality of the show just isn't there.
That's no fault on the talent involved. This week, for example, Ilja Dragunov and Sam Gradwell followed up on their decent backstage confrontation from last Thursday by having a banger of a No Disqualifications match in last night's main event. Sure, it may have been your typical WWE version of the stipulation, but it still managed to rule despite its limitations.
The problem with this is that while that ends the show, you know that coming before it is something as abysmal as Xia Brookside ordering Nina Samuels to clean the men's toilets. Why? Because that's WWE style of booking in 2021. Who cares about her accomplishments outside of NXT UK, she can just clean up sh*t. Sound logic.
Elsewhere on this episode, Noam Dar's latest Supernova Sessions saw him joined by Trent Seven, Eddie Dennis unveiled T-Bone as Primate's new partner, the 'new and improved' Isla Dawn returned to action, and Joseph Conners had a needlessly competitive bout vs. Jack Starz.
Let's get to it...