3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 21)
2. The Opener’s Action

Any multi-wrestler match that isn't just some rushed sequence of spots for the sake of it will always get an 'Up' in these SmackDown articles. Everybody involved had time to shine, including the mega-over LA Knight. He's been brewing something special for a while, and it's surely getting to the point where he's undeniable for Triple H and his creative team.
The man gets booming reactions from live crowds every time.
Sheamus helped keep the pace steady throughout this match, so he deserves praise for that. He slowed things down to stop them from getting out of hand, then Rey Mysterio acted as a counterpoint by quickening the tempo for his 619 and hurricanrana signatures when it mattered.
Cameron Grimes never really felt like a realistic winner, but the former NXT man didn't look out of place in this scene either. That's a minor win for Cam considering his Baron Corbin feud was iced out of nowhere and he was left with little to do.
Solid opener.