3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown: Merry Christmas (Dec 23)
1. An Echo Of The ‘Fiend’

There may be trouble ahead.
Bray Wyatt said LA Knight owed him an apology for thinking he was 'Uncle Howdy', but "lost his train of thought" when he started talking about the masked mystery. Suddenly, he grabbed a nearby cameraman and put him in the Mandible Claw before refs and other officials pulled the poor guy out of there.
WWE went to break with Wyatt in a trance, and Michael Cole told viewers that he'd been "removed from the arena". The whole skit was unnerving, which was surely the point, and Bray totally nailed his performance from start to finish. It would be nice to see him wrestling again soon, but at least fans got to see him lock on a hold/do something physical.
There was something distinctly 'Fiend'-ish about this. Bray lost his composure when 'Uncle Howdy' came up, then seemed to morph back into an old alter ego. He was powerless to prevent it, but almost enjoyed what was happening at the same time.
What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more like this, check out 10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2002 and 10 Pushes That WWE Ruined In 2022!