3 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Mar 25)

King Woods returns; Brock Lesnar takes the p*ss; WWE phones it in on SmackDown.

Brock Lesnar WWE Fans

Thank f*ck for Brock Lesnar.

If WWE's writers think this week's SmackDown was good enough then, to paraphrase retro rockers Judas Priest, they've got another thing coming. One wouldn't have known that the biggest weekend of the entire calendar year was just around the corner if they tuned into the show on Friday night.

Last week wasn't perfect by any means, but it did feature several big time angles that felt WrestleMania worthy. This, by comparison, was a weak effort that was two hours of phoned-in matches and promos that failed to inspire confidence that most of SmackDown's bouts next week will be any use.

Also, what the hell is happening to new Intercontinental Champion Ricochet?! If this was seriously the best that creative could come up with for the high-flyer, then they must want his reign with the put-upon belt to be a miserable failure. It's almost like they're trying to make some of this stuff sucky, illogical and counterproductive.

On the plus side, Brock Lesnar. OK, the program had a little more than that to offer - energy offset creative indifference for some segments, and everyone is doing their best with meagre scraps. If only those penning this stuff would meet them halfway...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.