3 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Dec 28)


7. Kendrick No Shows, Harland Shows No Mercy, But Still No Reaction

Andre Chase

Though it's probably a bit unfair to blast NXT for not delivering on a match they'd been hyping for seven days in light of WWE's recent COVID troubles, that still didn't change the fact that the alternative to the previously announced Brian Kendrick/Harland fight was a little bit anti-climactic in the moment.

Now, your writer has often gone on record to admit that he's quite the fan of Andre Chase's brand of hilariously hopeless slapstick, finding "teachable moments" in even the darkest of segments - and a Joe Gacy chunk of air-time tends to fall into that category at the best of times. But on this occasion, the ensuing beatdown at the hands of the indomitable Harland just didn't do much for anyone involved.

Brock Lesnar-lite doesn't feel like any more of a monster after pummelling NXT's perennial loser. Chase likely won't get an elongated programme against this 2.0 twosome any time soon. And even the angle which was teased to be the real headline-making moment for the uninspired duo ultimately failed to deliver anything more than head-scratches as Harland left a Chase-U student on a roof catching his breath.

Still odd in all the wrong ways, here's hoping we at least get that Kendrick battle sooner rather than later, eh?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...