30 Greatest EVER WWE Survivor Series Moments
24. Boston Kicks Off (1993)

Though wrestlers suggested he "no-sold" it for the entire duration, Vince McMahon had to be fraught over the impending legal trials heading his way in 1994. If he wasn't, it doesn't give him anything resembling an excuse for how the WWE's booking sailed off a cliff in late-1993.
That year's Survivor Series was bursting with creative duds and dead-ends, not least in a main event still anchored by Lex Luger's listless topline push. Despite questionable booking, the company at least still had talent. The opening match holds up today despite the industry's giant leaps forward over the past 25. Survivors Marty Jannetty and The 1-2-3 Kid carry the load, but almost everybody else in the match plays a relevant part.