30 Most Inconsequential WWE Titleholders Of All Time

25. Edge - United States Champion - 6 Days (2001)

As the InVasion angle was winding down at the 2001 Survivor Series, champions were supposed to face off against champions and unify the belts. Edge and Test were also in a mini feud after Test defected from the WWF to join the Alliance, and he had just won the Intercontinental Title from Edge (more on that in a bit), so the week before Survivor Series, Edge defeated Kurt Angle on Raw to win the United States Championship and be able to face Test at the Pay Per View to unite the belts. Edge€™s short reign was notable in that he was the final United States Champion after unifying the belts at Survivor Series, but that notable fact was gone two years later when WWE reinstated the United States title.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.