31 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 31

23. Cody Rhodes Needs To Dump The Stardust Gimmick

The Stardust character can only go so far. He's a weird guy that doesn't talk or act in a normal way. He also comes off as a really cheesy. Cody does a fine job of making it work because he's a talented performer that's able to pull it off, but the reality is that the character is very limited. Can you really see Stardust get elevated to the level of a main event wrestler? No. Absolutely not. Could he be a top guy if he was Cody Rhodes? Sure he can. The talent is there. Fans are going to believe in Cody whether he's a heel or face. With Stardust they're just going to laugh at the freaky looking guy that is different than anybody else. It's not a main event gimmick. WWE has to find out what they have in Cody. Dump the Stardust gimmick. Retire his brother. Then maybe put him against his old friend Damien Sandow in a feud that could work out well for both stars on the rise.

22. Call Up Sami Zayn And Adrian Neville As A Tag Team

There are all kinds of rumors that Adrian Neville is going to join the main roster in the near future. That's awesome because he deserves it. Sami Zayn does too. What do these guys have left to do in NXT? Nothing. They've done it all and both of them have been there for over two years. They don't have to be a long term tag team. Plan it for 6-8 months. Maybe Neville turns heel after the end of it, but they could also go their separate ways as faces too. It would be a way to get both guys on the main roster without having to worry about giving them a strong push right away. Let them work as a team, fans will become familiar with them and then when the time comes they can go their separate ways. Plus, who wouldn't want to see them against Cesaro and Kidd in tag matches for three months? It would be amazing.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.