31 WTF Moments From WWE RAW (August 17)

2. Why Did This Segment Feel Like An Afterthought?

By the time Paul Heyman got into the ring and said "Hello, my name is..." There was just 14:22 of the show left. This booking decision left a lot to be desired. Yes, leaving it late built anticipation. But WWE left it so late that the fans during the Divas' match before grew frustrated which made for a bit of a sour atmosphere. WWE left it too long on this occasion. Then, by the time Brock Lesnar had made his entrance and soaked up the adulation of his home town crowd, there was just 09:40 of the show left... This segment was billed as the rivalry that would be given the spotlight for much of the evening last week, yet it was shelved until the dying embers... It was clear the company wanted to tease with a short segment, but it wasn't in-keeping with the build up it was afforded on last week's show. It was severely disappointing. By the time 'Taker got in the ring, after one fake 'BONG' and blackout, there was just 3:27 of the show left. That's a minuscule proportion of a three-hour show and didn't sit well with me, at least. Maybe there is some of you out there who thought the powers that be were right to use the pair sparingly. Let us know in the comments section below. After all, less is supposedly more in the realms of professional wrestling, right?
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.