31 WTF Moments From WWE RAW (August 17)

24. Owens Punished For Sticking To The Script

Cesaro was Irish-whipped into the ropes by Sheamus and tried to do a Ric Flair-styled flip over the top rope. And while the Nature Boy had the turnbuckles to latch on to, the ropes are a far trickier obstacle to negotiate so the Swiss Superman got himself in one hell of a pickle and looked like messing the spot up. However, Kevin Owens grabbed the former United States Champion's leg and hauled him over the top - displaying what a consummate professional he is. However, it looked rather comical as after getting his foe out of a mess, his foe booted him straight in the face and sent him to the floor. Of course it made sense in the context of the match and rivalry - but if you played the botched spot in isolation, you would be forced to feel sorry for KO after he helped his fellow man out.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.