31 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown - Halloween Special

28. "The Way I Beat You Was So Pretty; That's Straight Skill, Son"

Those who've studied Roman Reigns promos will know he has only two gears: Cena-lite and downright creepy. It's hard to decide which is worse, but at least aping Big Match John doesn't make everyone feel a little bit dirty inside. Kevin Owens came out to challenge Roman, having pushed him to the limit in the number one contender's match on Raw. He claimed that Reigns got lucky, to which the former Shield enforcer replied - and I quote - "the way I beat you was so pretty it can't have been luck; that's straight skill, son". Yes, he said it in that voice he sometimes uses - that weird guttural tone that clearly doesn't come naturally to him, but seems instead to be the product of creative going "be sexy, go on". Beatings shouldn't be described as pretty, and Kevin Owens should never be referred to as "son" - not even by his own parents.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.