33 Forgotten Moments In The Undertaker's WWE Career

8. His Apprentice

In early 2003, WWE started promoting Nathan Jones like he was going to be there next huge star. For weeks, vignettes played that hyped 'The Colossus Of Boggo Road' and showed him looking stacked. With high hopes for him, and wanting to be associated with this huge tough guy, The Undertaker attached himself to the rookie wrestler. Jones had a legitimate strongman career before WWE, and Taker has always been a mark for legitimacy like that. As a result, Jones debuted as The Undertaker's apprentice. There was just one problem, the seven foot 320 pound Aussie was an awful pro wrestler. WWE had booked Jones and Undertaker versus A Train and Big Show at Mania 19, but the Deadman realised he was going to be made to look bad if he went out there with his unprepared apprentice. So WWE ended up dropping Jones from the match, giving him a run-in instead. He was then shipped back off to OVW, before being released within the year. Fans ended up forgetting The Undertaker's apprentice was ever even a thing.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.