33 Forgotten Moments In The Undertaker's WWE Career

26. Not Winning At WrestleMania

It's funny that Taker ended drawing the most money in his career based off of a WrestleMania win streak gimmick. It's funny because he never actually won one of his very earliest Mania matches. At WrestleMania 9, The Undertaker was facing Giant Gonzalez. The giant ended up bringing a chloroform rag into the ring and suffocating Taker with it. The referee didn't call for the bell at first, but eventually did a five count and called for the bell. No result was ever announced, as security instead swarmed the ring in an effort to restrain the wild giant. "It is over for The Undertaker, R.I.P," Randy Savage blurted on commentary. The Undertaker never won the match. He was left laying. It should be an asterisk on the streak, but the WWE later opted to just record it as a straight up win for the deadman.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.