34 WTF Moments From WWE Elimination Chamber

16. "Let's Go Cena, Cena Sucks..."

Cena took up no less than 11 minutes of this past Monday's RAW talking about this match before the cast of Entourage and Zack Ryder came down to the ring and put us all out of our collective misery. The US Champion blabbered on about the fans and how some liked him while some didn€™t. He then moved onto a preview of sorts where he tried to predict what the fans would be chanting, making a big deal of the fact that there wouldn€™t be a €œlets go Cena, Cena sucks€ chant for the first time in a long while. It was viewed as an utterly pointless promo then and it turned out to be the case at the show as chants of Let's go 'Cena, Cena sucks' bellowed (compared to the noise levels heard the rest of the night) throughout the arena. 'Fights Owens Fight' had a place of its own.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.