34 WTF Moments From WWE Royal Rumble 1998

3. Earl Hebner Clearly Doesn't Like Shawn Michaels

You do not want to be in an enclosed space with The Undertaker - I feel as though that's just a basic human instinct. Shawn Michaels finds himself in an understandably tricky spot, lying prone in the casket next to the Deadman himself. What would you expect a reasonable WWF official to do in this situation? Let the situation play out, perhaps? Maybe encourage both men to get out of the casket before continuing? Instead, Earl Hebner shuts the lid, trapping a terrified HBK inside with 'Taker. It hardly seems a down-the-line decision (although this is Earl Hebner we're talking about, and the Montreal Screwjob is still only a few months old).
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.