35 Current WWE Stars And Their '90s Counterparts

7. Bray Wyatt/Waylon Mercy

Bray Wyatt and Waylon Mercy

Bray Wyatt himself has been open about how he used Waylon Mercy as inspiration towards his character, and it’s easy to see why.

Away from the Hawaiian shirts and cult leader vibe, both Mercy and Wyatt used/use their dark, twisted minds to torment their opponents and preach their gospel to them, and the two of them both pulled heavy influence from Cape Fear’s Max Cady.

One way that Wyatt and Mercy are different, however, is in their roles outside of the ring. Wyatt is the same Bray Wyatt both inside and out of the ring, whereas Mercy would be calm and shaking hands with people before his matches began and would then switch to the crazed man that many remember once the bell rang.

In fairness, Bray Wyatt has already surpassed what Waylon Mercy achieved and many have hopes that the former Husky Harris will one day become WWE Champion.

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Senior Writer

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