35 WTF Moments From SummerSlam 2015

32. Kevin Owens Invades The Kick-Off Panel

As the kick-off team spoke about the Kevin Owens-Cesaro match, they debated the possibility that Owens is jealous of Cesaro attempting to steal his spotlight, causing Owens to walk out to the panel and confront them. Cue a hilarious Booker T downplaying his earlier comments about Owens, before Owens asks Byron, "Does it say 'Cesaro section' on any of these little pieces of paper?" and follows up with, "Do you know what I'm gonna do to the Cesaro section tonight, Byron? I'm gonna turn them into the silent section." Owens then asks Booker, "You dig that?" before stealing Byron's Mountain Dew drink and walking off. Given that the pre-show didn't even have a match this time, this was about as exciting as it got.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.