4 Best And Worst Moments Of Bret Hart's WCW Career

2. Conquering Goldberg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etTB3lbe_68 Bret Hart was always supremely over in his native Canada. He could do no wrong while there, and the Canadian fans ate up everything the Hitman did. So, on March 29, 1999 while at the newly built Air Canada Centre, Bret walked down to the ring and aired his grievances with WCW. At the tail end of his tirade, he called out the then-unstoppable Bill Goldberg. Goldberg had only lost once during his career up until that point -- in controversial fashion to Kevin Nash. And on top of his impressive winning record, no one was able to overcome his deadly jackhammer or spear. But Bret was about to turn the tides. Once Bill entered the ring, the Excellence of Execution dared Goldberg to attack. Bret successfully goaded the former Atlanta Falcons football player into charging at him and laying him out with the dreaded spear. Shockingly, however, both men seemed to be down and out. After a few tense seconds, Bret rolled big Bill over, lay across the behemoth and symbolically counted the three. The Toronto crowd erupted in excitement despite their confusion. Then, Bret stood and removed his Maple Leafs hockey jersey, revealing a steel plate strapped to his abdomen. Just like Clint Eastwood and Marty McFly before him, the Hitman had outsmarted his foe -- turning Goldberg€™s own powerful move into a devastating defensive attack. Bret Apr99 Goldberg2 It was not only a stroke of pure genius on the part of Bret Hart, but made for one of the most memorable moments of his short-lived WCW career. The Hitman conquered the unstoppable force that was Goldberg, and he didn€™t even have to lift a finger to do it, proving undoubtedly he was not only the best there is, was, and ever will be, but that he was also the most intelligent and cunning superstar of the time.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.