4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Battle Of The Belts III

1. Toni Storm?

Toni Storm Thunder Rosa

Toni Storm might just be living proof that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. There was so much excitement when she joined AEW in late-March, and everybody (fans and industry critics alike) tripped over themselves to tell the world that Storm would finally be used properly.

She hasn't been.

Her All Elite career has been an absolute letdown thus far. Storm's latest gig? Chumming Thunder Rosa to ringside for a title defence vs. Jamie Hayter and giving Britt Baker a DDT off the ring steps. That was literally it. AEW hardcores may argue that they'll put the strap on her soon, but that's papering over cracks unless she has a string of great challengers and meaningful storylines.

Toni is so lost in the shuffle right now it stinks. She should be a generational talent who takes the women's wrestling scene to new heights, but Storm is hanging around playing backup dancer. Remember when everybody used to claim that TNA took the 'WWE shine' off workers? Well, AEW has done that with Toni.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.