4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 27)

1. The Old Guard Doesn’t Cut It

Jamie Hayter Britt Baker Rebel

Some might disagree with this point, and that's fine.

However, this fan wasn't really into Emi Sakura vs. Jamie Hayter. The Brit is definitely the right choice to be AEW Women's Champ right now, but she also represents just how far this division has come. Emi never came across as a true threat then, and whole "Eliminator" thing needs to beat it for a while too.

Being brutally honest, this match was probs the wrong choice to headline Rampage. It lacked a bit of excitement, and nobody in attendance believed Sakura was going to upset the reigning champion and bag herself a possible title shot down the line. In other words, it was just sort of there.

This guy is slightly concerned by how Hayter is being booked next to Britt Baker. Ol' D.M.D is trying to enlist Ruby Soho, but Jamie is working totally throwaway matches for the hell of it. She needs a proper feud to sink her teeth into, and fast.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.