4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 27)

2. A Fun Sprint (With The Right Finish)

Danhausen Satnam Singh

"Danhausen is over!".

Alright, alright...Chris Jericho using insider terminology is becoming a weekly pet peeve on Rampage, but it's also hard to argue with the JAS leader here. Fans in the stands were loud for the face-painted little git when he stepped up to a towering Satnam Singh during the well-worked six-man.

Credit to Best Friends and Danhausen for making sure to keep things simple for Singh. That was smart, and meant he didn't have too many spots to remember throughout. It'd be easy for someone inexperienced to get lost with so many moving parts, so he deserves praise too for keeping cool and performing well.

Satnam scored the decisive fall, which was also the right way to go. Fans were into this, and the 10 minutes given to the match raced by. That's all one can ask for from a midcard match on a one-hour show. AEW can consider this a win.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.