4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (June 23)

MJF's first appearance on Rampage; Johnny TV re(debuts); Skye Blue is money.

Jungle Boy Jack Perry Sanada

Personally, this writer can't wait until Forbidden Door season is over and AEW can turn collective attentions towards a potentially-record breaking stadium show in London at All In. Fans are entitled to enjoy these (now seemingly annual) New Japan invasions for "dream matches" aplenty, of course, but they rarely do much for the dude penning this piece.

Each to their own, eh?

In fairness, this week's Rampage did have some bearing on Sunday's pay-per-view. MJF, who was making his first appearance on the show ever, announced a match for Adam Cole, and the broadcast closed with reigning IWGP Heavyweight Champ Sanada staring down one-off challenger Jack Perry.

Rampage has already settled into a groove behind Dynamite and Collision. It's a definite third-stringer, but that's fine if the quality of wrestling is high and Tony Khan uses this hour to set up what's coming next. Friday's episode was a home run then, because that's exactly what he served up.

Oh, and there was some goofy sports entertainment that led to a (re)debut for those into it. What an unexpected giggle that was...

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.