4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 17)

2. Hot Tag-Team Action

The Viking Raiders Valhalla Drew McIntyre Sheamus

Now for a prediction everyone had pre-SmackDown: Drew McIntyre vs. The Viking Raiders would be one of those "bangers" the hip and happening Michael Cole can't stop talking about. It was - the match smoothly sailed into 'must see' territory, and all four beat the crap out of one another.

Predictably excellent tag-team fare is always appreciated.

This fan wouldn't have been against WWE sticking the match on the card at Elimination Chamber, but it was a free TV gift to everybody watching. Drew and Sheamus work so well together, and The Raiders got their licks in too. Erick and Ivar, despite this defeat, will be fine after a few squash match wins soon.

As always, ad breaks did disrupt a lengthy match like this one, but that's obviously unavoidable and way less-annoying than AEW's dreaded picture-in-picture rubbish. At least the cuts were outright cuts, and you didn't get some tampon commercial hogging the screen as Sheamus thumped some chests.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.