4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (24 May - Results & Review)


4. Going Through The Motions

PAC Rocky Romero

This might be considered harsh by some, but PAC vs. Rocky Romero was a bit of a non-event to kick off the show. Rocky doesn't win a lot of matches, so it was hard to take him seriously as a threat, and it did seem like the thing could've been a half step quicker throughout. Honestly, this was slooooooooooow.

Slow can be good if workers are pacing themselves or telling a story, but there wasn't a narrative to spin - PAC and Romero were simply thrust together because Tony Khan thought it'd be a killer match. Unfortunately, and maybe shockingly, it really wasn't. Even the announcers sounded bored.


Chris Jericho and Big Bill were more content to talk about themselves and their own Learning Tree storyline than anything going on in the ring, and there wasn't enough action to divert attention back to the match. One to forget for PAC then.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.