4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (31 May - Results & Review)

3. More Selling, Please!

Konosuke Takeshita AEW

Sorry to sound like an old man yelling at clouds, but this guy always wonders what the point is supposed to be with some bumps/spots in AEW. For example, Penta hit a bloody destroyer on the ring apron on Konosuke Takeshita, then Takeshita kicked out like it was a routine scoop slam. Why bother?

No, this didn't kill the match (it'll earn an 'Up' for different reasons later on), but this total aversion to selling things properly is always something that should be highlighted. Honestly, if this happened on an indy show between two rookies, then a veteran would have to step in and set them straight. Selling is important.

Spiking someone on the hardest part of the ring head first then getting a mere two count 10 seconds later is stupid. Not only that, it's also unnecessary. It's cool that these guys want to impress and put on the most dramatic match possible, but someone needs to edit their bouts in advance and critique them backstage afterwards.

More selling, please.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.