4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 13)


4. That Six-Man Sprint

Death Triangle PAC Penta Rey Fenix

Need some 'Ups' to balance things out? Here you go.

Death Triangle vs. The Butcher, Blade and Private Party's Marq Quen had a lightning-quick pace to it. Rampage's opening six-man tag started fast and never let up before PAC scored a solid win for his side by hitting the Black Arrow. It was a sugar rush of spots and flying that kicked the hour off with ease.

Plaudits for that stand off with House Of Black post-match as well; AEW really needs to get that feud between Malakai Black's crew and Death Triangle moving, because it's been a bit start/stop. Back to the match: PAC getting the win here won't live long in the memory, but it worked as an all-action launching point for the show.

It was also ace to see Rey Fenix flying around without a care in the world too. He's one of the most skilled flyers this company has, and he excels when he's in there against workers like Quen. If you like balls-to-the-wall multi-mans, then you'll enjoy this.

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