4 Ups & 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (July 15)

3. Vanilla Tag Champs (But Great Manager)

Speaking of lacklustre, can somebody, anybody, explain who Blake and Murphy are? What characteristics would you use to describe them to a stranger? Cocky? Hmm, not really. Aggressive? Well ... sort of. Charming? Well ... no. They're ... the Tag Team Champions? Is that a characteristic? Blake and Murphy have been at the head of the tag team division for months but they've yet to make that one bold statement that defines them. They're just there, holding the belts. They wear Chris Benoit-style tights and have Chris Jericho-style hair. So far, their only unique qualities are that they're both a bit hairy and their entrance is an awful, headache-inducing mess of strobes and crash-zooms. They just haven't done anything of character or narrative significance and it's hurting them. They do, however, have a great manager. Alexa Bliss is great heel, cruel and smug, preening and deadly. Last night, ordering 'her boys' to throw her into the air to perform her sparkle splash in the middle of the ring was a great touch. Right now, like Trish Status when she lead TnA, the manager is far outshining the tag team. This needs to change.
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.