4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 15)
3. Do Not Split These Guys
Oh man.
It'd be a death sentence for Angel and Humberto creatively if WWE dares split them up right now. Sadly, it does seem that's the way they're going with the story - Angel's anger after his cousin stared at the lights for Madcap Moss is WWE booking 101 for soon-to-split tags.
These guys are in real trouble if they go back to being singles. Think about it: Los Lotharios were doing a grand sum of nothing before coming together as a handsome duo, and it's not like they've suddenly progressed as characters during their short time together. A split would be disastrous for both.
Angel and Humberto haven't even scratched the surface of what they're capable of anyway. They haven't been SmackDown Tag-Team Champions, have barely come close to the belts at all, and they only formed in September 2021. What a waste this would be.