4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 5)


5. What Was This?

Sami Zayn Jeff Hardy Aliyah

Sorry, but what?

Jeff Hardy was chatting to SmackDown newcomer Aliyah when Kayla Braxton interrupted them for an interview. Weirdly, Jeff then totally brushed her off to and gatecrash Sami Zayn's conversation with Aliyah. Do WWE realise how awkwardly-formatted this was? Do they even care?

Also, Aliyah seemed to be playing the same airhead character that made Maria Kanellis famous when she first showed up post-Diva Search years ago. That's not a compliment though, because being stuck in that role won't do anything for the former NXT star. Neither will working pointless segments like this one.

Aliyah looked stupid, Sami rambled on, Kayla looked inconsequential and Jeff came out looking like a dismissive jerk for palming off her (seemingly planned) interview. This fan was left scratching his head and wondering how this even made air.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.