4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 9)
4. The Miz's Selling

The spit sell is fast becoming a WWE favourite.
Randy Orton used it during his 'Ambulance' match at Clash Of Champions, and The Miz joined in by drooling all over himself on SmackDown following Lars Sullivan's attacks. This is not a criticism - if anything, it's an effective way to put across that you've been knocked goofy by an ambush, move or strike.
Jeff Hardy and Matt Riddle bounced around like pinballs for Lars, but neither of them managed to convincingly convey how damaging his blows were. Meanwhile, The Miz (who has been rightly chastised for some of the worst comedy going in WWE) nailed his selling and reminded this fan why he's one of the best when motivated.
Fingers crossed Miz and John Morrison can become a more serious tag-team over on Raw. Both deserve the chance to do more than hokey MTV-style "comedy", and they're too good to be full-time whipping boys. Nice selling from Miz here though.